Doula Support Services

Labor & Delivery

No matter what kind of birth you are planning, Touched By A Doula, LLC. will be honored to serve you! I am here during your prenatal, labor & delivery and moment after your baby is born. I want to empower you and your family during this journey and ensure you have the education and resources for you to thrive. We will start with an initial consultation where I will get to know you and understand what kind of support you are looking for, while also learning your hopes, dreams and fear of the process. We will create your birth plan to understand what goals you have and how I can best support making that happen. During labor & delivery, I will be there to support you as your body makes the transition to bring your baby into this world. Once baby is born, I will be there to ensure you are settled and will make sure you, baby and family are off to a great bonding start.



Postpartum & Infant Care

Okay so baby is born…. now what?? This time will be filled with so many emotions for the birthing person, family members and baby as you all adjust to this new life. Having a postpartum doula provides another layer of compassion, support and validation throughout this process. I am here to give you comfort and empower you as you navigate your new normal and find what works best for you and your family.